Thursday October 1, 2020

September 2020’s Projects

Excited to announce that we’ve bulked up our shop with maps and a few special prints that have gotten so much attention the last few years that we decided to make prints now available to every on our Etsy shop!

Spain map Andalusia Jolly Edition
This Andalusia, Spain map has garnered so much love and affection that it was #1 on our list to make available on our shop 🇪🇸
costa rica illustrated map by jolly edition
This map of Costa Rica is lively and spirited in application and aesthetic. Details of beach goers, cyclists, and surfers doing their thing sprinkled throughout the design.
scotland illustrated map by jolly edition
This big, colorful, friendly map lays scenery of Scotland with charms for each landmark. Take a look for old Nessy!
Mexico City illustrated map by Jolly Edition
One of two Mexico City maps available in the shop. Mexico City map includes Zócalo, The Frida Kahlo Museum (aka the Blue House), and Bosque de Chapultepec.
Mexico City watercolor map by Jolly Edition
The second of the two Mexico City maps., featuring The Frida Kahlo Museum (aka the Blue House), Bosque de Chapultepec, Bellas Artes, Xaltepec, Xochimilco, Tenhtli and Hotel Condesa.
Antigua, Guatemala illustrated map
This map of Antigua, Guatemala is designed with delicate watercolor and pops of citrus accents.
Annapolis, Maryland map by Jolly Edition
Our Annapolis map has been in our Etsy shop for years, but we've never really rolled out the red carpet for it. What a shame! As it's the perfect piece as a keepsake, gift or, often, a guest book for a wedding.
Baltimore, Maryland illustrated map by Jolly Edition
Finally, the city closest to my heart, Baltimore. I spent my formative years studying, forging friendships, relationships, and a sense of understanding about the world around me. I love Baltimore for it’s nonconformity and richness of culture. I love the alchemy of tradesmen, entrepreneurs, intellectuals, creatives, weirdos converging together in a living breathing mix of strength and vibrance.

More from the Jolly Edition Blog

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Retrospective Series: A Look Back, Part 12

December 17, 2024

To wrap up this series, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all the incredible clients, wedding professionals, and print partners who have made this journey possible. Most of all, you’ve allowed me to exist in this space, doing what I love with pride and purpose. Thank you for being part of it all.

Retrospective Series: A Look Back, Part 11

November 26, 2024

Splitting my most recent projects between Part 11 and Part 12. Here are some of the most beautiful photos of my work to showcase. For those weddings that are equally striking but aren’t included, please feel free to reach out with your photos. This retrospective is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s so much Read the rest.

dark academia texas wedding invitation set by jolly edition

Retrospective Series: A Look Back, Part 10

October 23, 2024

Part 10 marks the years I had the privilege of getting to know my clients on a deeper, longer-term basis. With the ability to focus on fewer projects, I was able to provide more hands-on expertise and personalized service. This shift gave me more time to build strong relationships and allowed for greater attention to Read the rest.

Retrospective Series: A Look Back, Part 9

September 17, 2024

Part 9 is one of our most eclectic collections. From illustration-driven designs to high-end materials like edge painting, and from editorial and whimsical to classic styles, these years kept us constantly evolving and inspired.

Retrospective Series: A Look Back, Part 8

August 26, 2024

Part 8 brings in a tale of two stories. Story one is exemplified by a rush of romantic projects, where material-focused designs meet delicate pops of romantic vignettes. Each piece is carefully crafted with cohesive visual elements that tie everything together seamlessly. The tactile luxury of the materials adds a unique depth, enhancing the overall Read the rest.

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